Who Sells Hubbard Brand Feed Around Dubuque Ia
Hubbard Feeds In Sioux City, IA
Find information on Hubbard Feeds, including this business' SIC code(s), NAICS code(s) and General Liabilility Class code(s).
Hubbard Feeds is primarily engaged in Agriculture
Hubbard Feeds is located at 4520 South York St Sioux City, IA 51106. If your looking for Agriculture in Sioux City, Iowa - check out Hubbard Feeds.
- How Do I Contact Hubbard Feeds In Sioux City, IA?
- How Many Employees Does Hubbard Feeds's Have?
- What is Hubbard Feeds's Revenue?
- What is Hubbard Feeds's Industry?
- What is Hubbard Feeds's SIC Code?
- What is Hubbard Feeds's NAICS Code?
- What is Hubbard Feeds's General Liability Class Code?
- What is Hubbard Feeds's NCCI Workers Compensation Class Code?
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What is Hubbard Feeds's SIC Code?
Hubbard Feeds's SIC code is: 2048 - Other Animal Food Manufacturing
Description for 2048 Prepared Feed and Feed Ingredients for Animals and Fowls, Except Dogs and Cats
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing prepared feeds and feed ingredients and adjuncts for animals and fowls, except dogs and cats. Included in this industry are poultry and livestock feed and feed ingredients, such as alfalfa meal, feed supplements, and feed concentrates and feed premixes. Also included are establishments primarily engaged in slaughtering animals for animal feed. Establishments primarily engaged in slaughtering animals for human consumption are classified in Industry Group 201. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing dog and cat foods are classified in Industry 2047.
- Alfalfa, cubed
- Alfalfa, prepared as feed for animals
- Animal feeds, prepared: except dog and cat
- Bird food, prepared
- Buttermilk emulsion for animal food
- Chicken feeds, prepared
- Citrus seed meal
- Earthworm food and bedding
- Feed concentrates
- Feed premixes
- Feed supplements
- Feeds, prepared (including mineral): for animals and fowls-except
- Feeds, specialty: mice, guinea pigs, minks, etc.
- Fish food
- Hay, cubed
- Horsemeat, except for human consumption
- Kelp meal and pellets
- Livestock feeds, supplements, and concentrates
- Meal, bone: prepared as feed for animals and fowls
- Mineral feed supplements
- Oats: crimped, pulverized, and rolled: except breakfast food
- Oyster shells, ground: used as feed for animals and fowls
- Pet food, except dog and cat: canned, frozen, and dry
- Poultry feeds, supplements, and concentrates
- Shell crushing for feed
- Slaughtering of animals, except for human consumption
- Stock feeds, dry
What is Hubbard Feeds's NAICS Code?
Hubbard Feeds's NAICS code is: 311119 - Other Animal Food Manufacturing
311119 - Other Animal Food Manufacturing
This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing animal food (except dog and cat) from ingredients, such as grains, oilseed mill products, and meat products.
- Alfalfa meal, dehydrated, manufacturing
- Alfalfa prepared as feed for animals
- Alfalfa, cubed, manufacturing
- Animal feed mills (except dog and cat) manufacturing
- Animal feeds, prepared (except dog and cat), manufacturing
- Barley feed, chopped, crushed or ground, manufacturing
- Bird feed, prepared, manufacturing
- Blending animal feed
- Bone meal prepared as feed for animals and fowls
- Cattle feeds, supplements, concentrates, and premixes, manufacturing
- Chicken feeds, prepared, manufacturing
- Citrus pulp, cattle feed, manufacturing
- Complete feed, livestock, manufacturing
- Custom milling of animal feed
- Dairy cattle feeds supplements, concentrates, and premixes, manufacturing
- Earthworm food and bedding manufacturing
- Feed concentrates, animal, manufacturing
- Feed premixes, animal, manufacturing
- Feed supplements, animal (except cat, dog), manufacturing
- Feeds, prepared, for animals (except cat, dog) manufacturing
- Feeds, specialty (e.g., guinea pig, mice, mink), manufacturing
- Fish food for feeding fish manufacturing
- Grain grinding, custom, for animal feed
- Grain mills, animal feed
- Hay, cubed, manufacturing
- Kelp meal and pellets, animal feed manufacturing
- Laboratory animal feed manufacturing
- Livestock feeds, supplements, concentrates and premixes, manufacturing
- Meal, alfalfa, manufacturing
- Meal, bone, prepared as feed for animals and fowls, manufacturing
- Micro and macro premixes, livestock, manufacturing
- Mineral feed supplements (except cat, dog) manufacturing
- Mineral supplements, animal (except cat, dog), manufacturing
- Mobile feed mill
- Pet food (except cat, dog) manufacturing
- Poultry feeds, supplements, and concentrates manufacturing
- Rabbit food manufacturing
- Shell crushing and grinding for animal feed
- Shell crushing for feed
- Swine feed, complete, manufacturing
- Swine feed, supplements, concentrates, and premixes, manufacturing
- Turkey feeds, prepared, manufacturing
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Source: https://generalliabilityinsure.com/business-directory/ia/sioux-city/other-animal-food-manufacturing/hubbard-feeds.html
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